Photos, Months 1 and 2

Sleepy Frances, 1 week old

Chillin' at craft night, 1 week old 
Smiley girl with her Mommy, 3 weeks old
Valentine's Day 2011
Smiley girl with Grandma Paula, 5 weeks old
Miracle Blanket? More like a challenge to escape! Don't worry, I'm up to it!

How many people does it take to hold Frances?  If O.G.G. is there, at least 2. 7 weeks old.

After a day of no naps, this is a beautiful sight. 8 weeks old

Grandpa Stuart makes the best faces! 8 weeks old

Making faces at Great-Grandpa Stuart.  8 weeks old

Tummy time on the Boppy - look at that head control!  8 weeks old